Sending SMS: Twilio

Twilio is a SMS, Voice and Video provider. You can signup for a free account and start sending SMS using Twilio. Once you have signed up and created a Twilio phone number, grab the Account SID and Auth Token from Twilio Console.

You need to configure the following options in conf/notify.yaml in your Hasura project directory:

  • Make Twilio to be the default provider, under sms
  default: twilio
  • Under sms -> providers -> twilio
      from: "<your-twilio-number>"
  • from: Sender number obtained from Twilio Console. Shows up as From at receiver’s end.

If you are following the docs along with conf/notify.yaml file open, you might notice accountSid and authToken fields. Ignore the accountSid and authToken fields. We don’t store them directly in this conf. Rather we store them in secrets and refer to them here.

  • To configure Twilio account SID and auth token as secrets, let’s update the secrets
$ hasura secrets update notify.twilio.accountsid "<twilio-account-sid>"
$ hasura secrets update notify.twilio.authtoken "<twilio-auth-token>"


<twilio-account-sid>: Unique identifier for your account, obtained from the API Credentials section of Twilio Console.

<twilio-auth-token>: Password like secret key for the account.