Sending SMS: MSG91

MSG91 is a SMS provider where you can signup and get an API key to use with Hasura. Take a look at this guide by MSG91 to obtain your API key.

You need to configure the following options in conf/notify.yaml in your Hasura project directory:

  • Make MSG91 to be the default provider, under sms
  default: msg91
  • Under sms -> providers -> msg91
      from: "<your-msg91-identification>"

<your-msg91-identification>: Sender identification (maximum 6 characters) from which the SMS will be sent.

  • Now we need to configure Notify with the MSG91 Auth key. To do this we don’t store the key directly in the notify.yaml file. Instead, we refer to a secret value in the conf, and our actual Auth key in the secret.

    Under sms -> providers -> msg91, the authKey already refers to the secret. So we have to update the secret

$ hasura secrets update notify.msg91.key "<your-msg91-key>"

Where, <your-msg91-key> is the Unique identifier obtained from MSG91 Dashboard.