Completely migrate a cluster to another cluster

This guide will help you push your existing project including data of the existing cluster into a new one. After following this you will have a cluster with an exact replica of your source cluster including data.


The new cluster will have a different domain from the source.

We’ll call the new cluster as ‘destination cluster’ (dst) and the existing cluster as ‘source cluster’ (src), since we are migrating from source to destination.

1. Create a new cluster

Create a new cluster by following this.


Ignore this step if you already have a cluster you want to migrate to.

2. Add the new cluster to your project

Add the newly created cluster to your project. From the project directory, execute the command:

hasura cluster add <dst-cluster-name> -c <dst-cluster-alias>

3. Apply the migrations

Apply the migrations from the project on to the new cluster:

hasura migration apply -c <dst-cluster-alias>

4. Migrate Postgres data

Next, we need to migrate all data from postgres on the source cluster to postgres on the destination cluster. Hasura stores all data in a database called hasuradb, particularly in 3 schemas: public, hauth_catalog and hf_catalog. If you have data in other schemas, make sure you include them too.

Before starting any data dump, put Postgres on the source cluster in read-only mode, so that no new writes happens while we’re migrating the data:

hasura -c <src-cluster-alias> \
       ms exec -n hasura postgres -- \
       psql -U admin -d hasuradb -c 'ALTER DATABASE hasuradb SET default_transaction_read_only = true;'

Next, dump the data from this database:

hasura -c <src-cluster-alias> \
       ms exec -n hasura postgres -- \
       pg_dump -O -x -U postgres -d hasuradb --column-inserts --data-only \
       --schema hauth_catalog \
       --schema hf_catalog \
       --schema public \
       -f /data.sql

Copy this file to your local machine:

hasura -c <src-cluster-alias> \
       ms cp hasura/postgres:/data.sql data.sql

Then copy it to the destination cluster:

hasura -c <dst-cluster-alias> \
       ms cp data.sql hasura/postgres:/data.sql

Before we restore the data, let’s truncate certain tables on the new cluster:

hasura -c <dst-cluster-alias> \
       ms exec -n hasura postgres -- \
       psql -U postgres -d hasuradb -c \
       'TRUNCATE TABLE hauth_catalog.roles, hauth_catalog.users_roles, hauth_catalog.users, hauth_catalog.users_password, hauth_catalog.username_provider_users, hf_catalog.hf_version CASCADE;'

Now, restore the database on destination cluster:

hasura -c <dst-cluster-alias> \
       ms exec -n hasura postgres -- \
       psql -U postgres -d hasuradb -1 -f /data.sql

Once we restore the data, we need to update all sequences in the database:

# create a sql file with the sequence update commands
hasura -c <dst-cluster-alias> \
       ms exec -n hasura postgres -- \
       psql -U postgres -d hasuradb -Atq -c "SELECT 'SELECT SETVAL(' || quote_literal(quote_ident(PGT.schemaname) || '.' || quote_ident(S.relname)) || ', COALESCE(MAX(' ||quote_ident(C.attname)|| '), 1) ) FROM ' || quote_ident(PGT.schemaname)|| '.'||quote_ident(T.relname)|| ';' FROM pg_class AS S, pg_depend AS D, pg_class AS T, pg_attribute AS C, pg_tables AS PGT WHERE S.relkind = 'S' AND S.oid = D.objid AND D.refobjid = T.oid AND D.refobjid = C.attrelid AND D.refobjsubid = C.attnum AND T.relname = PGT.tablename ORDER BY S.relname;" -o seq-update.sql

# execute the sequence updates
hasura -c <dst-cluster-alias> \
       ms exec -n hasura postgres -- \
       psql -U postgres -d hasuradb -f seq-update.sql

5. Copy the filestore data

Now we have to copy the filestore data, from the source cluster to the new cluster.

The following commands will dump the filestore data from the source cluster, tar it, copy it into your local filesystem, copy it to the new cluster and untar it.

hasura -c <src-cluster-alias> ms exec filestore -n hasura -- tar -czf  /fs-data.tar.gz /var/lib/filestore/data
hasura -c <src-cluster-alias> ms cp hasura/filestore:/fs-data.tar.gz fs-data.tar.gz
hasura -c <dst-cluster-alias> ms cp fs-data.tar.gz hasura/filestore:/fs-data.tar.gz
hasura -c <dst-cluster-alias> ms exec filestore -n hasura -- tar -xzf  /fs-data.tar.gz

<src-cluster-alias> is the alias for the source cluster, and <dst-cluster-alias> is the alias for the new cluster.


If you are sure you have not used any filestore features, you can skip this step.

6. Update the secrets

Finally, update the secrets from the source to the new cluster.

hasura -c <src-cluster-alias> secrets list # get auth.admin.password
hasura -c <dst-cluster-alias> secrets update auth.admin.password <auth-admin-password>

<src-cluster-alias> is the alias for the source cluster, and <dst-cluster-alias> is the alias for the new cluster. <auth-admin-password> is obtained from the first command, in this step.

7. Restart microservices

Restart data, auth and filestore:

hasura ms restart data -n hasura -c <dst-cluster-alias>
hasura ms restart auth -n hasura -c <dst-cluster-alias>
hasura ms restart filestore -n hasura -c <dst-cluster-alias>

8. Git push

You can now git push your project to the new cluster, and it should be live!

# commit required files
git push <dst-cluster-alias> master

where <dst-cluster-alias> is the alias for the new cluster.

Use hasura ms ls -c <dst-cluster-alias> to see the new URLs.

(Optional) 9. Reset read-only mode for source cluster

If you want to continue to use the old cluster, reset the read-only mode set on Postgres:

hasura -c <src-cluster-alias> \
       ms exec -n hasura postgres -- \
       psql -U postgres -d hasuradb -c \
       'START TRANSACTION READ WRITE; ALTER DATABASE hasuradb SET default_transaction_read_only = false; COMMIT;'