Retrieving data

The JSON based query language lets you make simple to complex queries.

Selecting data

Let’s look at a simple select query on the article table.

The full syntax of a select query can be found here.

query fetch_article {
  article (where: {is_published: {_eq: true}}) {
POST data.<cluster-name> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <auth-token> # optional if cookie is set
X-Hasura-Role: <role>  # optional. Pass if only specific user role has access

    "type" : "select",
    "args" : {
        "table" : "article",
        "columns": ["id", "title"],
        "where": {"is_published": true}

Syntactic sugar

{ "is_published": true }

is just a shortcut for writing the ‘is-equal-to’ operator, $eq

{ "is_published": { "$eq": true } }

This query returns id and title of rows from article table where is_published is true.

Boolean operators like $and, $or, $not can be used in a where clause. See this for a full list of supported Boolean operators.

query fetch_article {
  article (where: {_and: [ {is_published: {_eq: true}}, {author_id: {_eq: 6}}]}) {
POST data.<cluster-name> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <auth-token> # optional if cookie is set
X-Hasura-Role: <role>  # optional. Pass if only specific user role has access

    "type" : "select",
    "args" : {
        "table" : "article",
        "columns": ["id", "title"],
        "where": {
            "$and" : [
                {"is_published": true},
                {"author_id" : 6}

Syntactic sugar

The where clause in the above query can be simplified as :

    "is_published": true,
    "author_id" : 6

order_by is used to sort the results by a column. A prefix of + or - indicates ascending or descending order respectively. limit and offset are used to slice the result set.


query fetch_article {
  article (where: {is_published: {_eq: true}}, limit:10, order_by: ["+author_id"]) {
POST data.<cluster-name> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <auth-token> # optional if cookie is set
X-Hasura-Role: <role>  # optional. Pass if only specific user role has access

    "type" : "select",
    "args" : {
        "table" : "article",
        "columns": ["id", "title"],
        "where": {"is_published": true},
        "order_by" : "+author_id",
        "limit" : 10

Counting data

Now let’s look at a simple count query on the article table.

The full syntax of a count query can be found here.

POST data.<cluster-name> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <auth-token> # optional if cookie is set
X-Hasura-Role: <role>  # optional. Pass if only specific user role has access

    "type" : "count",
    "args" : {
        "table" : "article",
        "where": {"is_published": true}

This query returns the count of rows from article table where is_published is true.