Data API Reference: select


Key Required Schema Description
table true TableName Name of the table
columns true SelectColumn array Return these columns of the selected rows
where false BoolExp Select rows where this condition holds true
order_by false OrderByExp Define the ordering of the returned rows
limit false Integer Limit the result to these number of rows
offset false Integer The offset from which the rows have to be returned


limit and offset only make sense when used with order_by. Otherwise, the result may differ every time the query is run



Key Required Schema Description
name true RelationshipName Name of the relationship
columns true SelectColumn array Return these columns of the relationship


Key Required Schema Description
name true RelationshipName Name of the relationship
columns true SelectColumn array Return these columns of the relationship
where false BoolExp Select objects of the relationship where this condition holds true
order_by false OrderByExp Define the ordering of the returned objects
limit false Integer Limit the returned objects to this number
offset false Integer The offset from which the objects have to be returned



"+/-" ++ PGColumn


    "column" : PGColumn,
    "order"  : "asc" | "desc",
    "nulls"  : "first" | "last"


An array of Object <Object>. The structure of each object is defined by the columns of the query.