Data API Reference: update


Key Required Schema Description
table true TableName Name of the table
$set false Object (PGColumn : Value) Sets the columns to the corresponding values. Note that each value has to be compatible with the type of the corresponding column
$inc false Object (PGColumn : Integer) Increments the columns with the corresponding values
$mul false Object (PGColumn : Integer) Multiplies the columns with the corresponding values
$default false PGColumn array Sets these columns to their default values
where true BoolExp Update only the rows where this expression holds true
returning false PGColumn array Return these columns of the deleted rows


At least one of $set, $inc, $mul, $default should be present


Key Always present Schema Description
affected_rows true Integer The number of rows which are affected by the query
returning false Object array An array of objects, one per affected row, containing the columns specified in the returning field


update changes the values of the specified columns in all rows that satisfy the condition. The columns whose values have to be updated should be given in any of $set, $inc, $mul or $default.

The optional "returning" key causes update to return value(s) based on each row actually updated. However, you cannot request relationships in returning.

You must have update permission on the table and on the columns that are given in "values". You must also have select permission on all the columns used in "where" and "returning".

On successful completion, an update operation returns the number of rows updated. If the update operation contains "returning", the result will include a key "returning" whose value will be similar to that of a select operation with the columns in the returning list, over the row(s) updated by the operation.


Mark the user with id 2 as verified.

curl "$HASURADB_URL/v1/query" \
  -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <authorization-token>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ "type" : "update", \
        "args" : {
          "table"    : "user",
          "$set"      : { "verified" : true },
          "where"     : { "id" : 2 },
          "returning" : ["id"]}

The response looks like:

    "affected_rows" : 1,
    "returning" : [
        { "id" : 2 }