Schemaless Data

Since Hasura uses Postgresql, you get support for NoSQL data on a Relational database. The JSONB column type can be used to store data as JSON and then query them based on the values of different keys inside of the JSON.

When to use JSON data types?

Relational modeling can be used for most applications. But there are some use-cases where storing data as a JSON document makes sense

  • You can avoid complicated JOINS on tables that hold isolated data by storing them as a JSON document.
  • If you are dependent on data coming from an external API as JSON, you can avoid the process of normalizing this data into different tables. Instead, you can store this data in the same format and structure that you received it in.
  • It also helps in cases where you are dependent on data whose schema is not fixed.


PostgreSQL provides two data types to store JSON elements: JSON and JSONB. The main difference between them is their efficiency. JSON is stored as test and JSONB is first decomposed into binary components and then stored. This makes inserts into JSONB slower but parsing of sub elements is faster.

Creating a table to store JSON data

Let’s take an example of a case where we have a user table which stores information like id, name and address. address will store the user address with data like house or apartment number and name, streetname, landmark, city, pincode etc. Since this structure is not stringent, it makes sense to store this data as a JSON

Columns Type
id Integer
name Text
address JSONB

The above schema will look like this:


Inserting JSON data

To insert data into the user table, you have to execute an insert query

mutation addUser($objects: [user_input]) {
  insert_user(objects: $objects) {


  "objects": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Jack Smith",
      "address": {
        "house_number": "112",
        "house_name": "XYZ Apartments",
        "street_name": "ABC Street",
        "city": "Bengaluru",
        "pincode": "123456"
POST data.<cluster-name> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <auth-token> # optional if cookie is set
X-Hasura-Role: <role>  # optional. Pass if only specific user role has access

  "type": "insert",
  "args" : {
      "table": "user",
      "objects": [
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Jack Smith",
        "address": {
          "house_number": "112",
          "house_name": "XYZ Apartments",
          "street_name": "ABC Street",
          "city": "Bengaluru",
          "pincode": "123456"

Fetching data based on JSON values

Currently, we cannot directly use the GraphQL or JSON APIs to filter data by the different properties of the stored JSON. We can however, create a view which holds all of this data and then query that view.

Head to Data > SQL section of the API console and run the following SQL command.


Ensure that you check the Track Table checkbox before running the query so that you can use Data APIs to query the view.

CREATE VIEW user_address AS
SELECT id as user_id, address->>'city' as city, address->>'pincode' as pincode
FROM "user";

This will create a view called user_address with user_id, city and pincode as columns.


We can now fetch data from this view just like you would from a table.

Moreover, you can also create a manual relationship to this view from your user table on the user_id column.

  • Relationship Type will be Object Relationship
  • Relationship Name can be “address_info”
  • Configuration: id :: address_info -> user_id

You can now filter the user table by city or pincode

query {
  user(where: {address_info: {city: {_eq: "Chennai" }}}) {
POST data.<cluster-name> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <auth-token> # optional if cookie is set
X-Hasura-Role: <role>  # optional. Pass if only specific user role has access

   "type": "select",
   "args": {
       "table": "user",
       "columns": [
               "name": "address_info",
               "columns": [
       "where": {
           "address_info": {
               "city": "Chennai"

Updating JSON data

Currently, there is no direct support within the Data APIs to directly manipulate data inside of the JSON. To update, you will have to replace the whole JSON document using the update query.