Self referencing in a table

Sometimes, you would want a row in a table to refer to another row in the same table. For example, to model nested comments for an article.

In this section we will create a relationship from a table to itself.

Consider the comment table below. Let’s try to model replies to comments.


column type
comment_id serial NOT NULL primary key
text text NOT NULL
commented_at timestamp NOT NULL
author_id int NOT NULL
article_id int NOT NULL

Creating a relationship to self

Let us add parent_comment and child_comments relationships to our comment table.

  1. Open the API console and navigate to the Data > comment > Modify section.

  2. Add a new column called parent_comment_id (Make it nullable because the top level comments will have no parent_comment).

  3. Once the column is created, click on the Edit button next to it.

  4. Check the Foreign Key checkbox and make the reference table and reference column to be comment and comment_id respectively.

  5. Next, go to the Relationships tab.

  6. Add the suggested relationships. Name the object and array relationships as parent_comment and children_comments respectively.


Fetching over a self relationship

To fetch all the list of all top level comments along with their children comments:

query fetch_comment {
   comment (where: {parent_comment_id: null}) {
       children_comments {
POST data.<cluster-name> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <auth-token> # optional if cookie is set
X-Hasura-Role: admin

    "type" : "select",
    "args" : {
        "table" : "comment",
        "columns": [
                "name": "children_comments",
                "columns": ["*"]
        "where": {
            "parent_comment_id": null