Mobile / password based authentication

This provider supports mobile/password based authentication. The user’s mobile is verified by sending an OTP via SMS to the user’s mobile number. To use this provider there are extra steps to be performed to verify the user’s mobile.


For this provider to send an OTP via SMS, you have to enable an SMS provider in the Hasura notify microservice.


You can configure Mobile/password provider settings in the conf/auth.yaml file in your project. Find a top level key called mobilePassword in the auth.yaml. By default the mobile-password conf looks like this:

  # Template for the SMS that is sent. This is a Jinja template. Leave the
  # "{{otp}}" as it is. It will be used by the auth service to inject the
  # actual token.
  smsTemplate: |
    Verify your acccount with {{ }}! Your OTP is {{ "{{otp}}" }}.
  # OTP expiry time in minutes
  otpExpiryTime: "15"
  # OTP length is optional. default value is 6
  # otpLength: "4"

You can modify it as you wish and then apply the modifcations to the cluster by running a git push:

$ git add conf/auth.yaml
$ git commit -m "Changed conf for Mobile/Password provider"
$ git push hasura master



To signup a user, make a request to the signup endpoint : /v1/signup.

POST auth.<cluster-name> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "provider" : "mobile-password",
  "data" : {
     "mobile": "9876543210",
     "country_code": "91",
     "password": "somepass123"

If the request is successful, Hasura auth will send a verification SMS to the given mobile number and will return a response with the user details.

This will not login the user automatically (unlike the username provider), because at this point the mobile verification is pending.

The above user details will not have auth_token set.

Typical response of the /v1/signup request is :

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "auth_token": null,
  "mobile": "9876543210",
  "hasura_roles": [
  "hasura_id": 79
  • auth_token is the authentication token of the user for the current session. This is null because at this point the mobile verification is pending, hence no session is created for the user.
  • hasura_roles is a list of all roles assigned to the user.
  • hasura_id is the Hasura identifier of the user.

Verify mobile

To verify the mobile number, Hasura auth will send an SMS with a one time password or OTP to the user’s mobile number, and within a configurable amount of time, the user has to submit the OTP to a Hasura auth API endpoint to verify the mobile number.

To verify the mobile number, make the following request.

POST auth.<cluster-name> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "mobile": "9876543210",
  "country_code": "91",
  "otp": "123456"

The response of the mobile verification endpoint indicates success or failure. If it is successful, then your application should ask the user to login.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "message" : "success"


To login a user make a request to the login endpoint: /v1/login.

POST auth.<cluster-name> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "provider": "mobile-password",
  "data": {
     "mobile": "9876543210",
     "country_code": "91",
     "password": "somepass123"

Typical response of the /v1/login request is :

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "auth_token": "b4b345f980ai4acua671ac7r1c37f285f8f62e29f5090306",
  "mobile": "9876543210",
  "hasura_id": 79,
  "hasura_roles": [
  • auth_token is the authentication token of the user for the current session.
  • hasura_roles is an array of all roles assigned to the user.
  • hasura_id is the Hasura identifier of the user.

Get user info

To get the logged in user’s details, or to check if a session token is valid you can use this endpoint.

Make a request to the endpoint: /v1/user/info.

GET auth.<cluster-name> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>

Typical response is :

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "auth_token": "b4b345f980ai4acua671ac7r1c37f285f8f62e29f5090306",
  "mobile": "9876543210",
  "hasura_id": 79,
  "hasura_roles": [
  • auth_token is the authentication token of the user for the current session.
  • hasura_roles is an array of all roles assigned to the user.
  • hasura_id is the Hasura identifier of the user.


To logout a user, make the following request.

POST auth.<cluster-name> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>


The logout request is a POST request with an empty body.

Change password

If the user is logged in, they can change their password using the following endpoint.

POST auth.<cluster-name> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>

  "old_password": "oldpassword",
  "new_password": "newpassword"

Forgot password / password reset

If a user has forgotten their password, it can be reset.


This process is meant for users who have forgotten their password and can’t login. For logged-in user to change their password use /v1/user/change-password endpoint.

To reset a password first a reset OTP has to be obtained. This is done by sending a forgot password SMS to the user’s mobile.

To send a forgot password SMS make a request to /v1/providers/mobile-password/forgot-password endpoint with the user’s mobile number.

POST auth.<cluster-name> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "mobile" : "9876543210",
  "country_code" : "91"

After obtaining the OTP, your application should make auth API call to the /v1/providers/mobile-password/reset-password endpoint to reset the user’s password.

The reset password endpoint takes the OTP and the new password of the user.

POST auth.<cluster-name> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "mobile" : "9876543210",
  "country_code" : "91",
  "otp": "1231",
  "password": "newpass123"