Custom authentication provider

If you have an existing user authentication system which you would like to use for your Hasura project, you can integrate it to work with Hasura Auth by configuring a custom provider in the auth config. Hasura Auth will provide APIs to authenticate users with your custom provider similar to the default providers.

An example for signing up with custom provider:

Content-Type: application/json

  "provider": "myCustomProvider",
  "data": {
    "customId": "myUser",
    "password": "pass123"


Your custom provider should be a http(s) microservice which provides the following APIs:

  • signup: For signing-up a new user
  • login: For logging-in user
  • merge: For merging user with a pre-existing Hasura user
  • createUser: For creating user as admin
  • deleteUser: For deleting user as admin

The functionality and interface of these APIs is described in subsequent sections.

Configuring custom provider

To enable a custom provider, you need to add the following configuration in conf/auth.yaml in your hasura project:

  • Under customProviders
    enabled: Bool
    defaultRoles: [Roles]
      signup: String
      login: String
      merge: String
      createUser: String
      deleteUser: String

Below, we will describe the functionality and interface for each of the APIs in detail.



This API should be used to register a new user with your provider. This API will receive the following JSON data from Hasura Auth:

  "hasura_id": "Int",
  "data": "Object"
  • hasura_id: A unique id used to identify user in Hasura Auth
  • data: A JSON object which is specific to your provider (same as the data object passed to Hasura Auth during signup)

Hasura Auth expects the following response upon successful signup:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "hasura_id": "Int",
  "create_session": "Bool",
  "merge_data": {"email": "String"},
  "new_user": "Bool"
  • hasura_id: Same as received in request.
  • create_session: Boolean flag to indicate if a session should be created after signing up
  • merge_data: A JSON object with one or more of these three fields: “username”, “email”, “mobile”. This is used to merge accounts if any of the fields matches with a user already existing in Hasura Auth.
  • new_user: Boolean flag indicating whether this is a new user. For most cases, this will be True


This API should be used to login a user with your provider. This API will receive the following JSON data from Hasura Auth:

  "data": "Object"
  • data: A JSON object which is specific to your provider (same as the data object passed to Hasura Auth during signup)


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "hasura_id": "Int",
  "create_session": "Bool"
  • hasura_id: The Hasura Id of the user to be logged in
  • create_session: Boolean flag to indicate if a session should be created after logging in. For most cases, this will be True


This API should be used to merge an existing user with another user. A merge may be required when a new user signs up with an identifier field same as an existing user. Identifier fields supported by Hasura Auth are: username, email, password. This API will receive JSON data from Hasura Auth:

  "old_hasura_id": "Int",
  "new_hasura_id": "Int"
  • old_hasura_id: The Hasura Id of the user which needs to be updated
  • new_hasura_id: The Hasura Id with which to update the above user


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "Bool"
  • success: Boolean flag indicating whether the merge was successful

Create User

This API should be used to create a new user with your provider. This API will receive the following JSON data from Hasura Auth:

  "hasura_id": "Int",
  "data": "Object"
  • hasura_id: A unique id used to identify user in Hasura Auth
  • data: A JSON object which is specific to your provider (same as the data object passed to Hasura Auth during create-user request)

Hasura Auth expects the following response upon successful creating user:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "hasura_id": "Int",
  "user_data": {"email": "String"},
  "extra_info": "Object"
  • hasura_id: Same as received in request.
  • user_data: A JSON object with one or more of these three fields: “username”, “email”, “mobile”. This is used to merge accounts if any of the fields matches with a user already existing in Hasura Auth.
  • extra_info: A JSON object which contains extra information about user created ( It is sent back to client as extra_info object in response)

Delete User

This API should be used to delete a user with your provider. This API will receive the following JSON data from Hasura Auth:

  "hasura_id": "Int"
  • hasura_id: A unique id used to identify user in Hasura Auth

Hasura Auth expects the following response upon successful delete:

Note: Do not throw any HTTP errors if user not found or delete user was unsuccessful. Instead, convey the information in response through boolean flags specified below.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "user_exists": "Bool",
  "user_deleted": "Bool"
  • user_exists: Boolean flag indicating whether the user exists or not. If user does not exist, set user_deleted to false.
  • user_deleted: Boolean flag indicating whether the delete user was successful.


All errors should return a JSON object of the following form:

 "code": "String",
 "message": "String"
  • code: A short code indicating the class of error
  • message: A detailed message about the error