Hasura CLI: hasura platform:cluster install

Install Hasura on any Kubernetes cluster


Install Hasura platform on any Kubernetes cluster

hasura platform:cluster install [flags]


# Install Hasura on a minikube cluster:
hasura cluster install --provider=minikube \
                       --kube-context=minikube \
                       --domain=$(minikube ip).xip.io \
                       --external-ip=$(minikube ip) \

# Install Hasura on a docker-for-desktop cluster:
hasura cluster install --provider=docker-for-desktop \
                       --kube-context=docker-for-desktop \
                       --domain= \

# Install Hasura on a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster:
# Write 'cluster-data.yaml' (refer to https://docs.hasura.io/0.15/manual/guides/hasura-on-gke.html)
hasura cluster install -f cluster-data.yaml --domain <domain>

Refer to https://docs.hasura.io/0.15/manual/install-hasura/index.html for more details.


    --data-path string          path on the vm where data should be persisted
    --domain string             domain name for the cluster (make sure you map the IP of cluster to this domain)
    --enable-ssl                enable SSL for the domain
    --external-ip string        external ip to be used in the k8s service
-f, --file string               path to cluster metadata file
-h, --help                      help for install
    --kube-context string       kube-context to connect to the cluster
    --name string               name for the cluster (cluster should be added with this name) (default "hasura")
    --platform-version string   platform version to be installed on the cluster (default "v0.15.34")
    --provider string           kubernetes provider (use 'minikube')

Options inherited from parent commands

--project string   hasura project directory where the commands should be executed. (default: current directory)


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