User Signup

The signup endpoint of Hasura Auth works in the following way. It takes two parameters.

  1. provider : A name of the provider to be used.
  2. data: A JSON payload which is specific to each provider. See provider examples.

If the signup request is successful:

  1. If the provider doesn’t have a verification step (e.g username, google), it will login the user and return the session token in the response.

  2. If the provider has any verification step (e.g. mobile, email), it will not login the user, and will return null as the session token.

    Make a request to the endpoint: /v1/signup.

GET auth.<cluster-name> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "provider": "username",
  "data": {
    "username": "johnsmith",
    "password": "js@hasura"

Typical response is :

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "auth_token": "f876712c2fdbb3xcvxcvxvc2b376a3ad2dg31324bfee",
  "username": "johnsmith",
  "hasura_id": 2,
  "hasura_roles": [