Auth configuration


To change the settings of Hasura Auth running in a particular cluster:

  1. Edit the file auth.yaml inside the conf directory, of the Hasura project associated to that cluster.
  2. Apply the changes by git-committing the changes and doing git-push to that cluster.

Auth conf file structure

# Configuration for Hasura Auth

# All values in this configuration are strings, including boolean and integer
# values.

# Configuration for default providers
# Each provider has the following fields:
# `enabled` : To mark if the provider is enabled. Valid values are "true" or
# "false".
# `defaultRoles`: Specify the roles that get added when a user signs-up. By
# default the user role is added (even when the list does not contain "user").
# If you do not want any extra roles, leave it as an empty list.
# Example:  the below two examples are same
# defaultRoles: ["user", "admin"]
# defaultRoles: ["admin"]
    enabled: "true"
    defaultRoles: []
    enabled: "true"
    defaultRoles: []
    enabled: "true"
    defaultRoles: []
    enabled: "false"
    defaultRoles: []
    enabled: "false"
    defaultRoles: []
    enabled: "false"
    defaultRoles: []
    enabled: "false"
    defaultRoles: []
    enabled: "false"
    defaultRoles: []

# Session related configuration
  # Name of the cookie. This is usually set to your cluster's domain. No need
  # to edit this in normal circumstances.
  cookieName: {{ }}
  # if the cookie should be sent over https only. Stick to "true".
  cookieSecure: "true"
  # The default age of a user session in seconds. Default: 181440 (3 weeks)
  sessionAge: "1814400"

# Configuration related to the email provider
  # email address of the sender for verification emails
  # Name of the sender for verification emails
  verifEmailFromName: admin
  # Subject for verification emails
  verifyEmailSubject: MyAwesomeApp - Verify your account
  # Template for verification emails. HTML can be used in the template. The
  # template is a Jinja template. Leave the "{{token}}" as it is. It will be
  # used by the auth microservice to inject the actual token when sending the email.
  verifyTemplate: |
    Hi, Please click on <br/>
    https://auth.{{ }}{{ "{{token}}" }}
    to verify your email.
  # Email verification token expiry time in days
  verifyTokenExpires: "7"

  # email address of the sender for forgot password emails
  # Name of the sender for forgot password emails
  forgotPassEmailFromName: admin
  # Subject for forgot password emails
  forgotPassEmailSubject: MyAwesomeApp - Reset password request
  # Template for forgot password emails. HTML can be used in the template. The
  # template is a Jinja template. Leave the "{{token}}" as it is. It will be
  # used by the auth microservice to inject the actual token when sending the email.
  forgotPassTemplate: |
    Hi, <br/> Click on
    https://auth.{{ }}{{ "{{token}}" }}
    to reset your password.
  # Forgot password reset token expiry time in days
  resetTokenExpires: "7"

# Configuration for the mobile provider
  # Template for the SMS that is sent. This is a Jinja template. Leave the
  # "{{otp}}" as it is. It will be used by the auth microservice to inject the
  # actual token.
  smsTemplate: |
    Verify your account with MyAwesomeApp! Your OTP is {{ "{{otp}}" }}.
  # OTP expiry time in minutes
  otpExpiryTime: "15"

# Configuration for the mobile-password provider
  # Template for the SMS that is sent. This is a Jinja template. Leave the
  # "{{otp}}" as it is. It will be used by the auth microservice to inject the
  # actual token.
  smsTemplate: |
    Verify your account with MyAwesomeApp! Your OTP is {{ "{{otp}}" }}.
  # OTP expiry time in minutes
  otpExpiryTime: "15"

# Configuration for password
  # minimum length of the password allowed.
  minLength: "8"

# Below fields are all optional
# Configuration for google provider
#  # list of the all the client ids generated for your Google app
#  clientIds: ["xxxxxx", "yyyyyy"]
# Configuration for facebook provider
#  # your facebook app client id
#  clientId: xxxxxxxxx
#  # your facebook app client secret
#  clientSecret:
#    secretKeyRef:
#      key: auth.facebook.client.secret
#      name: hasura-secrets
# Configuration for github provider
#  # your github app client id
#  clientId: xxxxxxxxx
#  # your github app client secret
#  clientSecret:
#    secretKeyRef:
#      key: auth.github.client.secret
#      name: hasura-secrets
# Configuration for linkedin provider
#  # your linkedin app client id
#  clientId: xxxxxxxxx
#  # your linkedin app client secret
#  clientSecret:
#    secretKeyRef:
#      key: auth.linkedin.client.secret
#      name: hasura-secrets

# Configuration for adding a custom provider
# myCustomProvider:
#   enabled: "true",
#   hooks:
#     signup: ""
#     login: ""
#     merge: ""
#  defaultRoles: ["admin"]