Restricting access to your app using the Auth UI Kit

There can be cases where you would like to deploy some apps which should be accessible only to logged in users or only by a particular set of users based on their roles. Typical use-cases would be admin interfaces, internal reporting/analytics tools, database tools (adminer, php-my-admin, rockmongo), etc.

For example, if you have an admin interface running on the subdomain admin-app, ie: https://admin-app.<cluster-name>, when a user visits any page of this app, you would want to allow access only if the user is logged in and has the role admin. If the user is not logged in, you would want to redirect them to a login page and in case the user doesn’t have the admin role, you would like to show them a page with an access denied message.

You can achieve this using the Auth UI Kit and the conf/routes.yaml file in your project directory.

In conf/routes.yaml of your hasura project, your conf for the admin-app subdomain should look something like this:

      name: admin
      namespace: {{ cluster.metadata.namespaces.user }}
    upstreamServicePath: /
    upstreamServicePort: 80
      restrictToRoles: ["admin"]
      noSessionRedirectUrl: https://auth.{{ }}
      noAccessRedirectUrl: https://auth.{{ }}

Note the usage of restrictToRoles, noSessionRedirectUrl and noAccessRedirectUrl.

In the restrictToRoles key, we add the roles that have access to the app. Only admin in this case.

In the noSessionRedirectUrl key, we add the url to which the API gateway should redirect to if the user does not have a session. ie: is not logged in. In this case, it is the url of the UI Kit’s login page.

In the noAccessRedirectUrl key, we add the url to which the API gateway should redirect to if the user does not have access to the page. In this case, it is the url of the UI Kit’s restricted page which asks the user to logout and login as a user that is allowed to access the page.